Matplotlib: drag’n’drop text example¶
Date: | 2008-02-03 (last modified), 2008-02-03 (created) |
Matplotlib provides event handling to determine things like key presses, mouse position, and button clicks. Matplotlib supports a number of GUIs, and provides an interface to the GUI event handling via the mpl_connect and mpl_disconnect methods.
This page gives an example of use of these facilities by adding a Drag'n'Drop handler for text objects. You can get the source code for this example here: .)
Defining the handler class¶
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#!python numbers=disable
from matplotlib import pylab as p
from matplotlib.text import Text
class DragHandler(object):
""" A simple class to handle Drag n Drop.
This is a simple example, which works for Text objects only
def __init__(self, figure=None) :
""" Create a new drag handler and connect it to the figure's event system.
If the figure handler is not given, the current figure is used instead
if figure is None : figure = p.gcf()
# simple attibute to store the dragged text object
self.dragged = None
# Connect events and callbacks
figure.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.on_pick_event)
figure.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.on_release_event)
def on_pick_event(self, event):
" Store which text object was picked and were the pick event occurs."
if isinstance(event.artist, Text):
self.dragged = event.artist
self.pick_pos = (event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.ydata)
return True
def on_release_event(self, event):
" Update text position and redraw"
if self.dragged is not None :
old_pos = self.dragged.get_position()
new_pos = (old_pos[0] + event.xdata - self.pick_pos[0],
old_pos[1] + event.ydata - self.pick_pos[1])
self.dragged = None
return True
A small use case¶
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#! python numbers=disable
# Usage example
from numpy import *
# Create arbitrary points and labels
x, y = random.normal(5, 2, size=(2, 9))
labels = [ "Point %d" % i for i in xrange(x.size)]
# trace a scatter plot
p.scatter(x, y)
# add labels and set their picker attribute to True
for a,b,l in zip(x,y, labels):
p.text(a, b, l, picker=True)
# Create the event hendler
dragh = DragHandler()
The Text objects can now be moved with the mouse.
Section author: Elby